Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Wanted to catch you all up on the people scene. In June, toward the beginning of our trip, I wrote on this blog:

"We and many of our friends have said -- we are not the RVing type. As boaters, we have always enjoyed entering a town via its waterway and chatting with the other boaters. Although we have had some short but sweet contact with our fellow travelers, we have not yet found anyone we wanted to share a meal with or just sit around and chat with for awhile."

Thankfully, that turned around a long time ago -- we have met many, many interesting and fun folks -- at restaurants or seating outside ice cream stands, talking with the performers in hotel lounges or tour group leaders, we've chatted with other hikers on the trails (including the sisters from Edmonton), families stopped at viewpoints (including the couple from PA who took our photo for us), groups on shuttle buses (like the Seattle-based family who used to live in Ithaca), an author and his musician companion I met in the Jackson Lake Lodge, the campground hosts we invited for a van tour because their friend said they were in the market for a Roadtrek, Pastor Bob and his wife Joan -- who live in WY -- we met in a KOA, I've answered a campground clerk's questions about blogging, and spent a day with a fantastic group of women at a Nature Journaling class at the Glacier Institute. Some fleeting and some lengthier, some suface and some more revealing.

((Hello -- if any of you are reading -- and we would love to hear from you too. Directly on the blog or via emal BHpurple@aol.com))

And I/we love the connection we have with all of you at home via this blog, emails, and calls.

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