Thursday, September 18, 2008

We'll Follow The Sun

"The sun was up when I awakened and the world was remade and shining. There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days and as opal changes its colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I."
John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley

Couldn't say it near as well. But my mood is definitely dictated by the sun, the weather, the outside. We had tentatively planned some coastal activities -- Alan wanted to take a surf lesson (I am exempt from that activity because I am not a good swimmer) and we were going to rent a 2-person ATV to ride the sand dunes. But it was dreary...continued misty, foggy, grey, and cold. We stopped at a campground which we both found depressing...sort of a parking lot near the dunes.
So, we gave each other "the look" -- and simultaneously said, "Let's move on."

Alan is on the phone at the moment with Rebecca telling her why we left the coast and where we are Roseburg, OR.
Yesterday, as we drove just a half hour inland, the sun appeared, and an hour after that it was warmed into the high 70s.
We found a lovely tree-lined campground bordered by the Twin Rivers park (as its name implies, at the confluence of two rivers, where one can watch the fishers) on one side and lovely gardens tended by local master gardeners on the other.

We just might stay for a few days before moving on to Crater Lake Natl Park. And thinking about later stopping in Ashland to catch a couple of plays at the Shakespeare Festival there. It was an enjoyable spot on our last trip this way and that time we didn't stay in RV parks.


Unknown said...

there is BEAUTIFUL country between roseburg and crater lake - the steamboat inn and all kinds of other spots along the north umpqua river. The best swimming hole in the universe is near there (although the best swimming weather of the year is probably behind us). If you stop at steamboat say hello to Jim and Sharon Van Loan for me....

The Afton Vision said...

Thanks for the suggestions...we'll see where our meanderings lead us.
Swimming weather is probably behind us...but I am hoping for more sunny warm (mid-60s and over) days...I have gotten spoiled!