Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Party On

So what does a couple who is getting ready for a one-year sabbatical do? Manage their work-related responsibilities, sell a building and all its furnishings, pack and prepare the vehicle, and...THROW A PARTY!

We did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate Irwin's 80th birthday.
And so on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend a terrific group of people arrived at our home and, of course, accompanied by wonderful food -- with the requisite too much of it.
(We even forgot to serve the Cheesecake Factory cheesecake -- because there were so many other desserts and birthday cakes.)

There were new folks and local folks and folks who traveled a distance to be here, and incredible reunions (a bunch of out-of-town old friends who hadn't seen each other since Rebecca's bat mitzvah 14 years ago).

The weather was cooperative and most of us were in the yard, setup with extra tables and chairs. The scenery, our gardens and grounds, benefited tremendously from Alan's attention over the previous weeks. The party started at 2 PM and the last people left at 10 PM.

The best time was when Irwin told his stories to a captivated audience during present-opening time (Thanks so much, Phil, for the push.)
It was a lovely, special event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Alan, Barbara, Irwin and all,
Thank you so much for the wonderful gathering this memorial day week-end. It was great to meet old friends, and meet new ones as well. What a perfect day to celebrate a special day for Irwin.
I know when Judy and I celebrated our anniversary last year with a gathering of friends, I shared Irwin's dilemna of wanting to be with each guest alone but having to be everywhere with everyone. That's the price of having so many friends and loved ones.
The lesson learned there was (once again)not to have too many expectations. We had a great time in the mass love-in this week end, as we did on our anniversary. Thanks again, and enjoy!!
